Newborn safety basics for new parents

Safety is always at the forefront of any new parent’s mind. Caring for a baby is a huge responsibility, and many parents feel unsure at first about how to keep a newborn safe and comfortable ❤️

While the first few weeks especially can feel like a crash course, don’t worry—you’ll soon master the basics. Here are some tips to help.

Bathing safety

Use a slip-resistant bathtub designed specifically for babies, and fill it with 5 to 8 cm of warm—not hot—water (96 to 100° F/35 to 37° C). Check the water temperature with your elbow or wrist rather than your hand; you can also use a quick-read thermometer.

Before you start, have everything ready: soap, towel, wash cloth, cup for pouring, etc. 

Always stay within an arm’s reach for the duration of your baby’s bath.

Nappy changing safety

Always strap your baby in for a diaper change on a changing table, even though they’re not rolling over. Though they can’t roll over intentionally at this age, it can still happen accidentally. 

Keep nappies and wipes stocked, so you’re not tempted to step away.

If you need to go grab something, bring your baby with you.

Sleep safety

As tempting as it may be to put a lovey, blanket, or other comfort item in the crib or bassinet, it’s important to keep your baby’s sleeping area completely empty.

Use a closely fitted sheet on a firm mattress that fits snugly within the crib.

Place your baby on their back to sleep.

Avoid falling asleep while holding your newborn. 

Clothing safety

The rule of thumb for dressing your baby appropriately is to add one layer beyond whatever you’re wearing (caution: post-partum hormones can throw off body temperature 🙃). If it’s T-shirt weather, dress your newborn in a bodysuit with a T-shirt over it. If it’s really warm, a bodysuit on its own is fine.

Watch for signs of overheating, including flushed cheeks, a sweaty back, clammy skin, and rapid breathing.

For the colder months, use layers that can be easily removed or added and a snug-fitting hat.

If you use a blanket to protect your baby from the wind and other elements, make sure it’s tucked in snugly and there’s no loose fabric around their face.

Baby wearing safety

Whatever carrier you use, make sure your baby’s head is turned to the side, not facing your chest.

Make sure baby does not curl into a position with the chin resting on or near their chest. This position can interfere with breathing, even when nothing is covering the nose or mouth.

First aid tips

Avoid adhesive bandages for minor cuts and scrapes, especially on fingers and hands. The bandage could make its way into their mouth and become a choking hazard. Instead, blot any blood with gauze until the bleeding stops.

For more infant safety guidelines, check out the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Safe Sleep site and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Infant Safety page.


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Posted in: 0 - 12 Weeks, Bathtime, newborn care, Routine, Safety, Sleeping, Child Development

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